on Sep 18 in Articles by William Taylor Reil
œThe truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help me God.
This is part of the oath that witnesses take before giving testimony in a court. We think we know what the word œtruth means. But the definition we, the people, use is the common and normal meaning of the word that we have been taught. What is the actual meaning of the word œtruth used by the courts, i.e., by attorneys and judges? Have the attorneys, judges and professors of law changed the meaning of the word œtruth? For the answers to these questions, one need only turn to various dictionaries.
The Sixth Edition of Black™s Law Dictionary (the dictionary for judges and attorneys) defines the word œtruth on page 1515 as:
œThere are three concepts as to what constitutes œtruth: agreement of thought and reality; eventual verification; and consistency of thought with itself.
The last of these alleged œconcepts is most revealing concerning the perversion in the meaning of words by those in the courts today “ œconsistency of thought with itself. Let™s see, by this definition, if one says the same thing consistently, it must be the truth or if two or more individuals say the same thing, it must be the truth. How many times have you heard someone in government, or elsewhere, say: œThat is your truth.
Now this statement by many attorneys and judges makes sense. Anything you wish to be truth, simply say it often enough or get others to say it. No wonder there is no such thing as œperjury today. Or, as we are often told, œperjury is nearly impossible to prove today. All alleged œtraffic citations, alleged œarrest warrant affidavits, and documents filed by attorneys, for example, are verified by the use of a statute œPa. C.S.A. Title 18, Section 4904 – relating to unsworn falsifications to authorities. This is not under œpenalty of perjury, a requirement for a lawful affidavit, which must also, by law, be true, correct and complete, or certain.
Clearly, the Black™s Law Dictionary definition for the word œtruth (which dates only back to the Third Edition of Black™s, first published in 1932 A.D.) is not the actual definition of this word.For the actual meaning, we can turn to a standard English dictionary of today, such as the American Heritage Dictionary, which defines the word œtruth as:
1. Conformity to knowledge, fact, actuality, or logic.
2. Fidelity to an original or standard.
3. Reality, actuality.
4. A statement proven to be or accepted as true.
5. Sincerity; integrity; honesty.
These definitions are clearly quite different from the definition for the word œtruth found in Black™s Law Dictionary, Sixth Edition. However, Black™s defines the word œtrue on page 1508 as:
œConformity to fact; correct; actual; genuine; honest; in one sense, that only is œtrue which is conformable is œuntrue which does not express things exactly as they are. But in another and broader sense the word œtrue is often used as a synonym of œhonest, œsincere, not œfraudulent.
Here in the first œsense we see that the Black™s Law Dictionary conforms to the definition that is commonly understood. But in a œbroader sense its definition becomes vague and not absolute. This œbroader sense meaning, like the alleged definition in Black™s for the word œtruth, is, at a minimum, intentional œwordsmithing and trickery.
The actual definition of the word œtruth can best be found in the 1828 A.D. American Dictionary of the English Language written by founding father Noah Webster. This early American dictionary was written in the language used and understood by the people who wrote and ratified both the original 1776 A.D. Constitution for Pennsylvania and the organic 1788 A.D. Constitution for the United States of America and its 1791 A.D. œBill of Rights. There are 13 definitions for the word œtruth in the 1828 A.D. Noah Webster Dictionary. A few of these definitions are:
1. Conformity to fact or reality; exact accordance with that which is, or has been, or shall be. The truth of history constitutes its whole value. We rely on the truth of the scriptural prophecies.
My mouth shall speak truth Prov. viii
Sanctify them through thy truth; thy word is truth™ John xvii; and
2. True state of fact or things. The duty of a court of justice is to discover the truth. Witnesses are sworn to declare the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.; and
11. The truth of God, is his veracity and faithfulness. Ps. lxxi
Or his revealed will. I have walked in thy truth. Ps. xxvi.; and
12. Jesus Christ is called the truth. John xiv.
Notice that the authority for these definitions is, to a large extent, the Old and New Testament of the Holy Bible, King James version. The Holy Bible is, and always has been, the true basis of lawful laws in Pennsylvania and in the United States of America. (Blackstone™s Commentaries “ œOf the Nature of Laws in General Vol. I, Section II, 1758 A.D.)
Law, to the greatest degree, is the science of the use of words. As Congressman Rarick stated (in part) in the June 13, 1967 House Congressional Record on page 15641:
œThrough the cooperation of intellectual education, we have subjected ourselves to accept destructive use and meaning of words and phrases. We blindly accept new meanings and changed values to alter our traditional thoughts.
Clearly, the perverted and destructive meaning of the word œtruth found in Black™s Law Dictionary is intentionally false. It is fraudulent, and thus cannot be used lawfully in any court of justice or anywhere else.This specific fraud provokes the question: Are the courts of today courts of justice based on Biblical and constitutional authority? It also provokes the broader question: Is today™s Pennsylvania™s government a constitutional government at all? The overwhelming factual evidence proves that the only true answer to both of these questions is an emphatic “ NO!
Words, like everything else in government and particularly in a court, mean something very specific. To not know the meaning of words, as used by attorneys and judges, can be very destructive. Most attorneys, judges and others in today™s de facto governments, contrary to their solemn oath of office, will often not tell you the truth. Question everything. Only act on what you understand, believe in and are prepared to defend. The truth is written down and available.
All you, or anyone, must do is truly and objectively search for it.
CSBP, c/o P.O. Box 211, Elverson, Pennsylvania 19520
Tags: Constitution, Courts, Handouts, Nullification
In other words, TRUTH is NOT relative. Truth was and is the Inspired Word of The Living God. The Holy Bible. Until people get back to this truth, things will always be many shades of gray.